Street Art

Street Art

CIRCUS urban theater

The world around us, seen from above and below, through the eyes and instruments of the artists who accompany you to discover the fantastic world of the circus!

120 *per person


TEAM BEAT drum show

Musical team building, with drums and percussions, where teamwork creates harmony, music and feeling between people

50 *per person


MURALES street art

artistic team building, legato all'arte contemporanea, dove l'espressione del Sè and del gruppo coincide with il lavoro creato e con il suo significato anche sociale

*per person


PAINTING artists for a day

team building artistic, creative, dove il lavoro di gruppo crea unico quadro e raggiunge l'obiettivo, leando tutti i singoli lavori espressi dai sottogruppi

120 *per person


ART ATTACK artists for a day

art attack: un team building créatif qui peut être réalisé en classe, dans un hôtel ou dans votre entreprise. Le groupe travaille à créer un artefact préalablement défini

70 *per person


Treatre and action artists for aday

The team building moves to the theatre and the participants act together to create a show on stage, giving space to imagination and teamwork.

100 *per person


MOSAIC artists for a day

artistic and production team building. The group creates, following the sapient hand of the artists, their own logo or other information about their wealth.

70 *per person


HANDPAN and HANG DRUM PERCUSSION artists for a day

A musical team building, with the use of handpans and hang drums, to find harmony, tuning and relaxation within your work group!

80 *per person
