
ART ATTACK! – space for imagination

 ART ATTACK!  Space for imagination goal: reate a collective artwork keywords: creativity, passion, play, hand made Timing: 5-6 hours Options: Location, photo, video bus transportation (from/to the hotel) available on request “Art Attack!” is the activity that challenges your artistic skills and unchains your team creativity! Get amazed by the different uses you can make out of a […]

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IN THEATRE TRAINING – space for imagination

IN THEATRE TRAINING space for imagination goal: self expression keywords: group work, experiential, creativity location: teatro Timing: 3-4 hours Options: photos and video bus transportation (from/to the hotel) available on request Education and entertainment, these are the elements that characterize this activity, increasingly used by companies as a training tool for their employees. The theatrical techniques […]

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THE CIRCUS OF ROME – artists for a day

THE CIRCUS OF ROME artists for a day goal: exceed your own limits keywords: funny, incentive, emporment location: our studio Timing: 3-4 hours Options: aperitif or lunch/dinner on request bus transportation (from/to the hotel) available on request It can be an opportunity to try out your physical limits, that often are just psychological hesitation, more easy […]

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TALENT CONTEST – artists for a day

By now, the classic format of programs Talent Show is known all over the world. Team Building Talent Show propose you the same content. Why not go on a stage and show your talent? Whether is the exhibition of a single or a group, the important thing is to have fun … Under the spotlight! […]

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CAMERA, ACTION! – artists for a day

 CAMERA, ACTION! artists for a day  goal: create a short film or spot.   keywords: fun, tour, mistery, action main waypoints: centre of Rome Timing: 4-6 hours Options: Museum entrance on request bus transportation (from/to the hotel) available on request “Camer Action!” is the event where you can create… your own team-movie like a Cinecittà star! […]

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TEAM BEAT – artist for a day

A musical and expressive workshop to enjoy, together with your team, the pleasant feeling of working in harmony and synchronicity. The magical surprise and satisfaction of being able to build together a working group in a short time and without any musical experience. The rhythm is inside of us, as the capacity of working together. […]

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STREET ART – artists for a day

Street Art is the ideal social activity to set your creative potential free and to improve communication in your team. Express your creativity in an unconventional, safe and supportive environment! Different artistic challenges will make you have fun with a little bit of competition and a social goal to reach: making the streets more colorful […]

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